Wang Huizhen

Assistant Lecturer of Institute of Computer Software and Theory, Northeastern University.

B.S. in Computer Science and Technology , Northeastern University, 2002

M.S. in Computer Software and Theory, Northeastern University, 2005

Ph.D. in Computer Software and Theory, Northeastern University, 2008

Research Interests

As a member of the Natural Language Processing Lab, I lead the Opinion Mining Group where our recent work focuses on:

Current Research Projects:




• Huizhen Wang, Jingbo Zhu. Learning Topic Knowledge to Improve Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation. 4th International Universal Communication Symposium. pp. 2010.10.18

• Huizhen Wang, Haibo Ding, Yingchao Shi, Ji Ma, Xiao Zhou and Jingbo Zhu. A Multi-stage Clustering Framework for Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation. Proceedings of CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing. pp353-358. 2010.8.12

• Huizhen Wang, Jingbo Zhu. Improving Ordinal Regression Model for Rating Inference through Optimizing Training Sample Selection. 第六届全国信息检索学术会议 CCIR 2010.pp. 2010.8.12

• Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Benjamin K. Tsou. Learning Representative Examples for Data Annotation. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 2010. (in press)

• Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Benjamin K. Tsou, Matthew Ma. Active Learning with Sampling by Uncertaintyand Density for Data Annotations, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASL), 2010 (in press)

• Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Eduard Hovy, Matthew Ma. Confidence-based Stopping Criteria for Active Learning for Data Annotation. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP), 6(3) article 3, 2010

• Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu, Muhua Zhu, Huizhen Wang. 2010. Boosting-based System Combination for Machine Translation. In Proceedings of ACL2010.

• 李超,王会珍,朱慕华,张俐,朱靖波. 基于领域类别信息C-value的多词串自动抽取. 中文信息学报. pp.94-98. 2010.(01)

• 时迎超,王会珍,肖桐,胡明涵. 面向人名消歧任务的人名识别系统. 第六届全国信息检索学术会议 CCIR 2010.pp. 2010.8.12

• 王锦,王会珍,张俐. 基于维基百科类别的文本特征表示. 第五届全国青年计算语言学研讨会. 2010.

• 孟新萍,王会珍,张俐. 维基百科人物属性自动获取方法研究. 第五届全国青年计算语言学研讨会. 2010.

• 肖桐,李天宁,陈如山,朱靖波,王会珍. 面向统计机器翻译的重对齐方法研. 中文信息学报. pp.110-116. 2010.(01)

• 周晓,李超,胡明涵,王会珍. 基于人物互斥属性的中文人名消歧. 第六届全国信息检索学术会议 CCIR 2010.pp. 2010



• 王会珍,张春良,费晓旭,朱靖波. 观点句和评价对象一体化抽取技术研究. 第二届中文倾向性分析评测论文集. pp83-91. 2009

•  Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Benjamin Tsou and Muhua Zhu. 2009. Multi-aspect opinion polling from textual reviews, In Proceedings of CIKM'09, short paper, Hongkong. pp1799-1802
•  Jingbo Zhu, Muhua Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Benjamin Tsou. 2009. Aspect-based Sentence Segmentation for Sentiment Summarization. 1st International CIKM Workshop on Topic-Sentiment Analysis for Mass Opinion Measurement, Hongkong (to appear)

•  Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Benjamin K Tsou. 2009. A Density-based Re-ranking Technique for Active Learning for Data Annotations, In Proceedings of ICCPOL09, pp1-10, Hongkong
•  Feiliang Ren, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang. Translate Chinese Organization Names Using Examples and Web. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2009. pp83-89.

  Feiliang Ren, Muhua Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Jingbo Zho, Chinese-English Organization Name Translation Based on Correlative Expansion. Proceedings of the 2009 Named Entities Workshop, ACL-IJCNLP 2009. pp143-151.

  Tong Xiao, Rushan Chen, Tianning Li, Muhua Zhu, Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Feiliang Ren. 2009. NEUTrans: a Phrase-Based SMT System for CWMT2009. In Proc. of 5th China workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT), Nanjing, China, pages: 40-46.

  Muhua Zhu, Huizhen Wang, and Jingbo Zhu. Label Correspondence Learning for Part-of-Speech Annotation Transformation. CIKM 2009 (short paper)

• 李超,王会珍,朱慕华,张俐,朱靖波. 基于领域类别信息C-value的多词串自动抽取.第十届全国计算语言学学术会议. 2009.

• 肖桐,李天宁,陈如山,朱靖波,王会珍. 面向统计机器翻译的重对齐技术研究. 全国第十届计算语言学学术会议. Pages: 439-445. 2009.


•  Huizhen Wang, Jingbo Zhu, Keh-Yih Su. 2008. Divergence-based feature selection for naive bayes text classification. Proceeding of international conference on natural language processing and knowledge engineering (IEEE NLPKE 2008). pp209-215.

•  Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Eduard Hovy, 2008. Multi-Criteria-based Strategy to Stop Active Learning for Data Annotation. In Proc. of Coling08, pp1129-1136

•  Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Benjamin Tsou, 2008. Active Learning with Sampling by Uncertainty and Density for Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Classification. In Proc. of Coling08, pp1137-1144

•  Jingbo Zhu , Huizhen Wang, Eduard Hovy. Learning a Stopping Criterion for Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Classification . The Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-08). Hyderabad , India . 2008.

•  朱靖波, 王会珍, 张希娟.面向文本分类的混淆类判别技术. 软件学报. 19(3) pp630-639. 2008

•  肖桐,陈如山,李天宁,任飞亮,张祝玉,朱靖波,王会珍. 第四届全国机器翻译研讨会(CWMT08)东北大学自然语言处理实验室技术报告. 第四届全国机器翻译研讨会. 2008


• Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang and Xijuan Zhang.Confusion Class Discrimination Techniques for Text Classification , Journal of Software, 19(3):630-639, 2008

• Na Ye, Jingbo Zhu , Huizhen Wang, Matthew Y. Ma, Bin Zhang, An Improved Model of Dotplotting for Text Segmentation, Journal of Chinese Language and Computing. pp.27-39, 2007

• 张希娟,王会珍,朱靖波. 面向文本分类的基于最小冗余原则的特征选取.全国第九届计算语言学学术会议. Pp.612-617. 2007.8

• 张海雷,曹菲菲,陈文亮,任飞亮,王会珍,朱靖波. 基于多层次特征集成的中文实体指代识别.全国第九届计算语言学学术会议. Pp.485-490. 2007.8

• 张海雷,王会珍,王安慧,朱靖波. 基于朴素贝叶斯模型的垃圾邮件过滤技术比较分析. 全国网络与信息安全技术研讨会. pp.551-557. 2007.7



•  Jingbo Zhu , Huizhen Wang and Xijuan Zhang, Discrimination-based Feature Selection for Multinomial Naive Bayes Text Classification , 21st International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL2006), LNAI/CS, December 17-19, 2006, Singapore.

王会珍,朱靖波,季铎,叶娜,张斌. 基于反馈学习自适应的中文话题追踪. 中文信息学报. Vol.20, No.3. pp.92-98. 2006.

王会珍,张希娟,朱靖波,张斌. 基于主动学习的自适应话题追踪. 中国中文信息学会二十五周年会议. pp.373-382. 2006



•  Wang Huizhen , Zhu Jingbo , Ji Duo, Ye Na, Zhang Bin. Time Adaptive Boosting Model for Topic Tracking . IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. 2005.10

  Wang Huizhen , Zhu Jingbo , Ji Duo, Ye Na, Zhang Bin, Chinese topic tracking based on feedback adaptive learning , 2th national conference on information retrieval and content security, 2005.10(in Chinese)

Wang Huizhen , Zhu Jingbo , Ji Duo, Ye Na, Zhang Bin . Chinese Topic Tracking Based on Multi-Vector Model . JSCL2005. pp.669-671. 2005.8

•  Wang Huizhen , Zhu Jingbo , Chen Wenliang, Ji Duo, Zhang Bin . Chinese Topic Tracking Based on Unigram Model . SWCL2004. pp.422-427. 2004.8

• Chen Wenliang, Chang Xingzhi, Wang Huizhen, Zhu Jingbo, and Yao Tianshun. Automatic Word Clustering for Text Categorization Using Global Information. First Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 2004) , LNCS, Vol. 3411, Springer-Verlag, pp.1-11, 2004.

• Ye Na , Zhu Jingbo, Luo Haitao, Wang Huizhen, Zhang Bin . Improvement of the Dotplotting Method for Linear Text Segmentation . IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering . 2005.10


Course Information

Fall 2010

Fall 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2007

Fall 2006



Contact Information

Office: 410 Xinxi Building, Northeastern University

Office Phone: 86-24-83672481

Email: wanghuizhen(at)

Fax: 86-24-83672481

Postal address: Institute of Computer Software, Northeastern University, Shenyang China 110004